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Simplify Mealtime: A Busy Family’s Guide to Weekly Meal Planning

Simplify Mealtime: A Busy Family’s Guide to Weekly Meal Planning

Save time & money with this ultimate weekly meal planning guide for busy families. Get tips & tricks for prepping delicious, nutritious meals that everyone will love!

As a busy family, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the chaos of daily life and overlook the importance of meal planning. But planning can save you time, money, and stress in the long run while ensuring that your family eats nutritious and delicious meals. So, why not make your weekly meal planning a fun and creative activity that brings your family together? With these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating a weekly meal plan for your family that is both practical and inspiring, saving you time, money, and stress while ensuring everyone gets the nutrition they need.

Step 1: Assess Your Family’s Needs 

weekly meal planning

The first and most crucial step to creating a successful weekly meal plan is determining your family’s needs. Consider everyone’s dietary restrictions and preferences, as well as their schedules. For example, if someone in the family is lactose intolerant, avoid dairy products or choose lactose-free alternatives. Similarly, plan meals that can be quickly prepared or cooked beforehand if someone has a busy schedule.

For instance, a busy family with a vegetarian child might plan meals with more plant-based proteins, such as lentils or tofu, to ensure everyone gets the necessary nutrients. A family with a busy schedule might plan for easy-to-make meals like sheet pan dinners, one-pot meals, or slow cooker recipes. Meals like these can be prepped in advance, cooked quickly, and require minimal cleanup.

Related: Easy Back to School Meal Planning Tips for Busy Moms

Step 2: Plan Your Meals 

weekly meal planning

Planning your meals for the week is essential to ensuring you have all the necessary ingredients and avoid last-minute meal decisions. Plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Remember to include leftovers, which can be repurposed for other meals. When selecting recipes, look for ones that use similar ingredients to cut down on grocery costs and waste.

For example, a family with a busy schedule might plan for a breakfast of overnight oats or make-ahead breakfast burritos that can be reheated quickly in the morning. They might prepare salads with proteins like grilled chicken, chickpeas, or hard-boiled eggs for lunch. For dinner, they might plan for a sheet pan dinner like roasted vegetables and chicken or a slow cooker beef stew that can cook all day and be ready to eat when they get home.

Step 3: Prep Ahead of Time 

ultimate meal planning guide

Prepping ahead of time is essential to meal planning. It saves time and ensures that meals can be quickly prepared during busy weekdays. Consider chopping vegetables, cooking grains, or marinating meats ahead of time. Store prepped ingredients in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to use.

For example, a family might chop vegetables like peppers, onions, and carrots ahead of time and store them in a container in the fridge. These prepped ingredients can be used for quick stir-fries, salads, or sheet pan dinners. They might also cook a large batch of grains like rice or quinoa that can be used throughout the week in salads (like my Sweet Corn and Been Quinoa Salad!) , bowls, or as a side dish. 

Related: 8 Quick Dinner Recipes & Ideas for Busy Families

Step 4: Get Creative with Leftovers 

meal planning guide

Leftovers are an excellent way to save time and money, so don’t let them go to waste. Get creative with them by repurposing them for other meals. For example, leftover roasted vegetables can be added to a salad or sandwich (like my Southwest Grilled Cheese Sandwiches) , or leftover chicken can be used in a wrap. Consider freezing leftovers for a quick and easy meal in the future.

For instance, a family might use leftover grilled chicken to make chicken Caesar salad wraps for lunch the next day. They might also use leftover roasted vegetables for breakfast to make a vegetable frittata. By getting creative with leftovers, families can save time and money while reducing food waste.

Step 5: Make Mealtime Enjoyable 

weekly meal planning guide

Mealtime should be enjoyable for the whole family. Consider involving your kids in the meal planning process or having them help with meal prep. This approach saves time, encourages kids to try new foods, and teaches them valuable life skills. Make mealtime a time to connect with your family by turning off the TV and phones and sitting down to eat together. Use mealtime to try new foods and flavors.

For example, a family might involve their kids in the meal planning process by having them choose one recipe for the week or allowing them to help with meal prep, like mixing ingredients or setting the table. They might also try new recipes or experiment with new flavors and cuisines. This approach can be a great way to get kids excited about mealtime and make them more willing to try new foods.

In addition, families can make mealtime more enjoyable by setting the table nicely, using cloth napkins, or lighting candles. They can also talk about their day during mealtime or play games like “highs and lows,” where everyone shares the best and worst parts of their day.

Related: 7 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Food and Save Money 

Put It All Together 

Creating a weekly meal plan for busy families can seem daunting, but following these steps can be a manageable and enjoyable task. Start by assessing your family’s needs, planning your meals, prepping ahead of time, getting creative with leftovers, and making mealtime enjoyable. Next, use similar ingredients to cut grocery costs and waste, and involve your kids in the meal planning and prep process. 

Finally, remember to make mealtime enjoyable by turning off electronics and connecting with your family.

In conclusion, creating a weekly meal plan for busy families can be a manageable task. By following these steps and using similar ingredients to cut grocery costs and waste, families can save time and money while ensuring everyone gets the nutrition they need. So, start meal planning today and enjoy healthier, more delicious meals with your family!

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Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. 03/06/2023 / 10:45 pm

    I love that you considered repurposing leftovers in creating a meal plan. Aside from working on our budget. Planning means avoiding food wastage too.

    Thank you for the tips on how to get creative with leftovers.

  2. 03/04/2023 / 3:39 pm

    Thank you for this. I need to start meal planning. To be honest, I don’t think I have the time to meal plan. But I really have to make time.

  3. Barbie Ritzman
    03/04/2023 / 4:04 am

    Getting creative with the leftovers. All of those look yummy!

  4. 03/04/2023 / 3:49 am

    I love meal planning; it is something that I do on a regular basis. sometime I forget what we are going to have for dinner that night. So, I always pick something up on that day. Thanks for sharing these tips on meal planning.

  5. 03/04/2023 / 12:39 am

    I am a huge fan of meal planning! Especially if it keeps my hubby from grabbing fast food during his lunch break. These are great tips.

  6. Catalina
    03/04/2023 / 12:36 am

    Mealtime needs to be time when everyone enjoys it. That’s why meal prep is so important!

  7. Monica
    03/04/2023 / 12:11 am

    Meal planning is so important for my stress level. I hate when I have those nights that I can’t figure out what to make because I got lazy with my planning.

  8. 03/04/2023 / 12:00 am

    I did meal planning before and it was great! I think it’s time to get back on track and start again, thanks for the great tips you have here!

  9. Beautiful Touches
    03/03/2023 / 10:45 pm

    I love having a meal plan ready for the week, it really helps with balancing time better!

  10. Rose Ann Sales
    03/03/2023 / 7:46 pm

    Meal planning is a really great idea! I’m gonna start doing this too. This is so informative thanks for the tips

  11. Scarlett Brooklyn
    03/03/2023 / 7:43 pm

    What a really great and very helpful tips you have here! Thanks for sharing this with us

  12. 03/03/2023 / 7:09 pm

    Ah yes….we need to put all these tips together! Mealtime for family has to be the best time for all.

  13. Stephanie
    03/03/2023 / 6:47 pm

    Glad I came across this article. I’ve been so busy this year and the approach to taking time to plan meals will save me time and money! Thanks for the tips.

  14. beth
    03/03/2023 / 12:15 pm

    Meal planning saves us a lot of time and money. And it’s our way of spending quality time and having fun in the kitchen.

  15. 03/03/2023 / 8:01 am

    I love crockpot meals when I’m neeeding a quick and healthy meal. I need to make a whole chicken and I’m thinking the crock pot will work wonders.

    I haven’t tried many sheet pan dinners and should give those a try.

  16. Tara Pittman
    03/03/2023 / 6:25 am

    These are some great meal tips. I like that they make meals easier.

  17. Debbie
    03/03/2023 / 1:45 am

    I love cooking but always struggle getting my ducks in a row to get dinner going. These are really helpful tips and ideas! Thank you for sharing!

  18. Tammy
    03/03/2023 / 12:26 am

    I love planning meals and I wish more folks sat down and had dinner together. Seems that tradition is just not there anymore for many families.

  19. Amber Myers
    03/02/2023 / 11:57 pm

    I need to start meal planning. I hate to cook so this could help in the kitchen.

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