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7 Great Tips to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

7 Great Tips to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

This is a collaborative post. All views and text are mine. 

You may not know this, but your daily routine plays a huge factor in your nightly sleep pattern. Here are 7 great tips to get better sleep every night.

Getting a better night’s sleep doesn’t have to be such an impossible goal when you have nights where you lay awake tossing and turning all night. You probably don’t realize the kind of control that you do possess over the amount and the quality of sleep that you can get each night.  You may not know this, but your daily routine plays a huge factor in your nightly sleep pattern.

Tips for Better Sleep Every Night 

You may not know this, but your daily routine plays a huge factor in your nightly sleep pattern. Here are 7 great tips to get better sleep every night.

1. Keep a peaceful bedroom environment.  

A bedtime routine will alert a signal to your brain that it is time to relax and let the day melt away.  By keeping a cool, dark, and quiet bedroom, you will create an environment that is tranquil and promotes good sleep.

2. Make sure that your bed is comfortable.  

It’s important that your blankets give you plenty of room to move around and that you are not either too hot or too cold.  A good quality mattress is key as well, and the best way to avoid a disruptive night sleep when sharing a bed is using a Firm Memory Foam Mattress. Using a good quality foam mattress along with a good mattress cover will provide not only extra comfort, but you may feel less movement from your partner during the night.

Caffeine and nicotine are both stimulants and can cause major sleep disruptions, especially when you use either close to your bedtime.

3. Limit caffeine and nicotine.

When you are working on getting a better night’s sleep, the best thing to do is to eliminate caffeine and nicotine all together.  They are both stimulants and can cause major sleep disruptions, especially when you use either close to your bedtime.  

4. Try to avoid alcohol near bedtime.

We love that alcohol helps us to relax after a long day, but it interferes with our sleep cycle once you fall asleep.  Even just one drink right before bed can cause a problem with regulating a healthy sleep cycle.  If you are going to indulge, try to do so at least 2-3 hours prior to your bedtime.

You may not know this, but your daily routine plays a huge factor in your nightly sleep pattern. Here are 7 great tips to get better night's sleep.

5. Watch what you eat.  

A great tip is to try to eat an earlier dinner so that you are not eating a heavy meal close to bedtime.  If you love spicy foods, avoid these too because they can cause acid reflux or heartburn and that alone will keep you awake.  Also, if you drink too much before bed, you can have several unnecessary bathroom trips overnight and there goes your uninterrupted night’s sleep. The key is to watch what you eat and choose healthy foods.

The more you exercise during your daily routine, the better night’s sleep you will get each time you go to bed. Read the full article at Hip Mama's Place!

6. Exercise during the day.  

The more you exercise during your daily routine, the better night’s sleep you will get each time you go to bed.  Whether you hit the gym hard or go for some light walking or running as your form of exercise, you will reap the benefits as long as you incorporate these and other healthy self-care habits regularly.  Regular exercises improves the major symptoms of not only insomnia, but sleep apnea also.

 To help with a better night’s sleep, consider adding to your night routine a period of meditation where you can quiet your brain and focus on just being still.

7. Practice meditation.  

As life throws you curveballs throughout the day and your stress and anxiety levels rise, take time to slow down and unwind once you are home. To help with a better night’s sleep, consider adding to your night routine a period of meditation where you can quiet your brain and focus on just being still.  Set aside a specific amount of time each night, start with about 3-5 minutes to sit in a quiet place and do your best to block everything out. If you mind starts to wander and thoughts begin to race, recognize them and then try to quiet them down again. Keep practicing this every night until you finally can just sit, be still, and focus just on nothing.

When you create unhealthy daytime habits and make choices that can leave you restless at night, these can affect not only your mood, but things like your heart health, immune system, creativity, and let’s be real, make you plain old grumpy.  But if you try some of these tips, you may find something that works for you so that you can enjoy a better night’s sleep and be on your way to improving your physical and mental health.

What do you think about these tips for better sleep every night? Tell me in the comments! 

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Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. Annemarie LeBlanc
    07/01/2017 / 5:33 pm

    I don’t have trouble falling asleep. As soon as my head hits the pillow, its nighty-night for me. Funny thing is that my husband notices how much I toss and turn in my sleep if I did some sort of exercise during the day.

  2. 06/29/2017 / 7:13 pm

    It sucks when you don’t get a good night’s sleep! These are some great tips for getting a good night’s sleep!

  3. Dogvills
    06/29/2017 / 6:45 am

    Coffee does not wake me up anymore, not like the way it used to. I guess I now have a tolerance to caffeine. I know it is imperative we get a good night’s sleep and I am working on it, one tiny step at a time.

  4. Crystal
    06/29/2017 / 4:34 am

    #3 is the hardest for me. Mama needs her coffee fix! But I also need good sleep, so maybe it’s time to cut back a little.

  5. Amy Desrosiers
    06/29/2017 / 3:29 am

    The hotel I am staying at right now has the coolest black out shades. They are gold but seriously keep the bedroom perfectly dark!

  6. 06/28/2017 / 10:17 pm

    Those are good tips to have. Exercising helps me to fall asleep for sure.

  7. 06/28/2017 / 7:24 pm

    I used to exercise at night after the kids went to sleep. However, I have found that it’s not a good idea for me as far as sleep goes.

  8. 06/28/2017 / 5:40 pm

    Great tips! I always sleep much better after I exercise during the day, and I know if I skip my beloved glass of wine, I always have more restful sleep. It is hard with all we have going on, but it is so important to practice healthy sleep habits.

  9. Jeanine
    06/28/2017 / 4:41 pm

    Great tips! My issue is the caffeine. I need to limit my intake severely, and I bet that will help me get a better nights sleep!

  10. 06/28/2017 / 2:46 pm

    These are great tips for people who have trouble sleeping at night. The mattress is a huge factor and you should definitely choose the one that you feel most comfy in!

  11. 06/28/2017 / 1:04 pm

    These are great tips for sure, getting a good night sleep is important to ensure we can think clear and be at the tip top of our game!

  12. Pam
    06/28/2017 / 1:13 am

    I definitely have trouble sleeping sometimes. Limiting my caffeine does seem to help.

  13. 06/27/2017 / 11:15 pm

    This is a good guide! One bad night of sleep can throw off my entire week. I have to be careful with the caffeine!

  14. 06/27/2017 / 8:47 pm

    All great tips. I’ve noticed since I turned 40 I can’t have any caffeine after 6pm. (old lady stuff) LOL

  15. 06/27/2017 / 6:25 pm

    I just recently read that being on electronics close to bedtime can impede your sleep. Since I started knocking off the screen time about an hour before bed, I’ve been sleeping much better.

  16. 06/27/2017 / 6:20 pm

    These are great tips. I’ve found that I sleep far better since I started exercising regularly.

  17. robin rue
    06/27/2017 / 5:00 pm

    These are all great ideas. My husband’s snoring is what keeps me awake most nights.

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