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10 Ways to Enjoy Christmas During the Pandemic

10 Ways to Enjoy Christmas During the Pandemic

The coronavirus crisis has changed the world in many different ways, including how we celebrate holiday traditions. This article discusses ways to help you enjoy a festive, if socially distanced, Christmas season during the pandemic.

The 2020 holiday season will be like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has run roughshod over holiday plans, trapping many people in their homes and destroying the traditional trappings of the season.

From Santa photos to Christmas shopping, no aspect of the holiday season has been left untouched by the coronavirus crisis. These changes have left many families despondent, but there is a glimmer of hope among all the chaos. Here are 10 ways you can enjoy a socially distanced Christmas while you hope for better times ahead.

  1. Send gift baskets to far-flung family members. The family may be spread out this year, with no plans to come together, but you can still send your thoughts across the miles. Gift baskets are always wonderful for the holidays, and this year especially these thoughtful gifts will be well appreciated. If you are planning to send Christmas gifts for mom and dad, gift baskets are a perfect option this Christmas.
  2. Enjoy a virtual holiday feast. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended plans for the traditional holiday feast, but you can still enjoy great food from a distance. Just set a time for Christmas dinner or the traditional Hanukah feast and invite everyone to join via Zoom or another streaming platform.
  3. Create a homemade recipe book with family favorites. If you find yourself missing your Aunt Sally’s homemade pumpkin pie or the amazing cornbread stuffing your sister brings every year, why not duplicate those dishes at home? Just ask your family members for their favorite recipes and turn the results into a professional quality cookbook.
  4. Share holiday photos on social media. You may not be together, but you can still enjoy those Christmas morning smiles. Sharing your holiday photos on social media platforms is a great way to stay together even when you are far apart.
  5. Sign up for a Santa letter. Even if it is not safe to sit on Santa’s lap this year, your kids can still send in their lists and get a personalized reply. Think of how thrilled your kids will be when they receive a letter from the most famous of North Pole residents!
  6. Adopt a family in need. Many families will be struggling this holiday season, and that could mean their kids miss out on presents. You can rectify the situation by adopting a needy family and making their holiday dreams come true.
  7. Volunteer in the community. If you want to feel good about the holidays, volunteering is a great way to do it. So don your mask and serve Christmas dinner at a homeless shelter, spend a few shifts at the local food bank or find other creative ways to give back.
  8. Make plans for next year. The coronavirus crisis will not last forever, and even the most pessimistic experts believe a vaccine will be available sometime in 2021. So why not make your holiday plans for next year, when the whole family can be together once again?
  9. Set up a virtual gift exchange. If buying gifts for the whole family is not in the budget this year, set up a virtual gift exchange instead. Drawing names from a hat is a time honored holiday tradition in many families, and you can put a socially distanced spin on it with a virtual version.
  10. Enjoy a drive-through light display. If you have been quarantining with your family, pile everyone in the car and head to the nearest drive-through Christmas light display. You can also drive around the surrounding neighborhoods to see what your neighbors have done with all their free time.

The coronavirus crisis has changed the world in many different ways, and the toll in terms of deaths and suffering is too great to contemplate. When put in that context, a few cancelled holiday plans pale in comparison, but that does not make the situation any easier to bear.

If you want to enjoy yourself in the face of the chaos, a little bit of adaptation can go a long way. The 10 tips listed above can help you enjoy a festive, if socially distanced, Christmas during the pandemic.

Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. Kiwi
    12/09/2020 / 2:47 pm

    Love a virtual holiday feast. That’s fun and virtual gift exchange!

  2. 12/09/2020 / 2:23 pm

    Thanks for sharing this tips, this year Christmas need to celebrated differently than last time. It bring hope and happiness.

  3. 12/09/2020 / 10:07 am

    “Enjoy a virtual holiday feast”…this is going to be it, for me, this year! The number of cases here is rising so much faster than we had hoped it would.

  4. Kita Bryant
    12/09/2020 / 3:56 am

    This virus has not put a damper on my holiday spirit. These are some excellent tips.

  5. Catalina
    12/08/2020 / 9:39 pm

    Thank you for these suggestions. I think that making and writing a recipe book all together can be a lot of fun!

  6. Kuntala Bhattacharya
    12/08/2020 / 7:46 pm

    Waiting for the Xmas vacation to start. I have applied for some extra leaves from office. Liked your ideas on how to spend with family. Would be happy to follow them.

    12/08/2020 / 7:31 pm

    Those are all great suggestions. I love the adopting a family one that would really help out I’m sure.

  8. 12/08/2020 / 7:11 pm

    I love this post! We all have to find some ways to make Christmas work since it is going to be totally different from previous years. These are great tips to work towards that!

  9. Tomi C
    12/08/2020 / 6:04 pm

    This year I am definitely taking advantage of the Santa PNP videos. I love sending them out to kids in the family but this year I’m gonna be sharing them with some of the adults. Got to get creative in 2020

  10. Kathy
    12/08/2020 / 5:58 pm

    These are some great ideas. It’s going to be so different for many of us this year. I think I’ll be sticking around my home this year too.

  11. 12/08/2020 / 5:53 pm

    We are actually doing #1 and #4.

    It’s the only way that we can enjoy the holiday season.

  12. 12/08/2020 / 5:35 pm

    Such fun ideas. We went to see a drive-through light display before and it was amazing!

  13. Ruth I
    12/08/2020 / 4:19 pm

    They’re great lists I’m down for adopting a family for Christmas. Sharing the Christmas spirit through other family is really heart warming. I’m loving the vibe of this post its very positive! I enjoyed this read thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.

  14. 12/08/2020 / 3:58 pm

    Personally, we’re looking to keep things virtual this holiday season.

  15. Melanie williams
    12/08/2020 / 3:41 pm

    Aw there are so many fab ideas here for sure. I like the sound of helping others and sending out gifts too x

  16. Nikki Wayne
    12/08/2020 / 3:39 pm

    I agree. We can still enjoy the holidays without risking our healths. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  17. 12/08/2020 / 3:04 pm

    Those are all great ways to celebrate Christmas during this pandemic. I love sending gift baskets to my brother’s family that lives in Atlanta. They love bacon, so I send them an assortment of high quality bacon, haha.

  18. 12/08/2020 / 2:44 pm

    This is a great list! More people need to read this since so many of us are still living our life normally.

  19. Catherine
    12/08/2020 / 2:14 pm

    These are such lovely ideas! It’s going to be a strange one this year but it’s little things like this that make all the difference. 🙂

  20. Joline
    12/08/2020 / 2:11 pm

    Christmas will definitely look different this year. It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it with family, like our virtual Thanksgiving.

  21. Ashley T
    12/08/2020 / 12:51 pm

    These are some awesome ideas. Christmas will be different for everyone this year but we should all be grateful that we are here to
    celebrate Christmas 🎄

  22. 12/08/2020 / 10:54 am

    I so needed this!
    My entire family has been so bummed out about christmas this year, not beeing able to spend it with the entire family as always is so darn hard…

  23. 12/08/2020 / 6:15 am

    Well, this should be interesting. something new for all of us. Looking forward on the changes. I’ll just go with it as possible since this is the first time.

  24. 12/08/2020 / 5:57 am

    These are some good ideas! We need to put up our Christmas lights and drive around to see other people’s.

    Although we will miss our adult children this year at Christmas, we look forward to seeing them again when it is safer.

  25. Tasheena
    12/08/2020 / 5:55 am

    These are all wonderful ideas for this unique holiday season.

  26. 12/08/2020 / 4:42 am

    I’ve already done one virtual gift exchange this year and I am down for more!!

  27. 12/08/2020 / 2:16 am

    I love all of these ideas. We are already doing a few of them!

  28. 12/07/2020 / 11:42 pm

    I think a virtual gift exchange and volunteering are both great ideas. All of these ideas are great, in fact. We can still make this holiday a good one.

  29. 12/07/2020 / 11:41 pm

    These are great tips! I love the spirit of this post. Just because we can’t be together physically doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy our holiday together.

  30. Pam Wattenbarger
    12/07/2020 / 11:41 pm

    WE’ve been making a family recipe book with the 4-year-old. As we cook, we write down the recipes. It’s been a wonderful experience.

  31. 12/07/2020 / 11:36 pm

    I always like going to the areas that have the best light displays. You have given me some good ideas and helping others is such a special way to share during the holidays.

  32. Amber Myers
    12/07/2020 / 11:06 pm

    These are some fun ideas! We enjoy going through drive through light displays.

  33. 12/07/2020 / 10:48 pm

    These are some really neat ideas to still have a great despite this pesky covid situation. We love to drive around and look at christmas lights!

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