Home » Celebrate More, Spend Less: 22 Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season

Celebrate More, Spend Less: 22 Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season

Celebrate More, Spend Less: 22 Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season

Looking to enjoy all the festive fun without the financial fuss? You’re in the right place. This article shows you 22 easy, effective and helpful tips on how to save money this holiday season! So, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and let’s dive into a holiday filled with more joy and less spending!

The holiday season is upon us, bringing its unique blend of joy, celebration, and, let’s be honest, a bit of financial anxiety. But fear not! Here are 15 creative and engaging ways to save money during the holidays, ensuring your festivities are both merry and budget-friendly.

1. DIY Decorations

Get crafty with your holiday decorations. Homemade decor saves money and adds a unique charm to your home. Try making paper snowflakes, garlands from popcorn and cranberries, or upcycling old ornaments with a fresh coat of paint. The internet is brimming with DIY decoration tutorials that can turn this activity into a fun family tradition.

2. Secret Santa

Organize a Secret Santa among your family and friends. This tradition not only adds an element of surprise to gift-giving but also significantly reduces the number of presents you need to buy. We have been doing this with our family every year these past several years. We set a reasonable budget cap, and we all enjoy the challenge of finding thoughtful gifts within that limit.

3. Homemade Gifts

Homemade gifts carry a personal touch that often outshines store-bought items. Bake cookies, craft a photo album, knit a scarf, or make candles. These gifts can be more meaningful and often more appreciated, showing your loved ones that you’ve put time and thought into their present.

4. Compare Prices Online

Before making any purchase, take a moment to compare prices online. Use price comparison websites, look out for online sales, and remember to check for discount codes. This small step can lead to significant savings, especially on big-ticket items.

5. Holiday Potlucks

Hosting a holiday meal? Turn it into a potluck. This approach not only cuts down your cooking responsibilities but also your expenses. Each guest brings a dish to share, leading to a diverse and exciting array of foods on the holiday table.

6. Use Cashback Apps

Leverage the power of cashback apps and credit card rewards. These tools can offer back a percentage of your spending, accumulating to a tidy sum throughout your holiday shopping.

7. Conserve Energy 

Be mindful of energy use during the holidays. Turn off lights and decorations during the day and when you’re not home to save on your electricity bill. You can also use LED lights for your holiday decorations. They are more energy-efficient and last longer than traditional bulbs, helping you save on your electricity bill.

8. Re-Gift with Care

Re-gifting is a perfectly acceptable practice as long as it’s done thoughtfully. If you receive something nice that is different from your style, consider passing it on to someone who would genuinely appreciate it. Just be sure to keep track of who initially gave it to you!

9. Limit Holiday Outfits

Resist the urge to buy a new outfit for every holiday event. Get creative by re-purposing and accessorizing outfits you already own. This approach can be both a fun fashion challenge and a money-saver.

10. Plan Your Shopping

Avoid impulse buys by making a shopping list and sticking to it. Decide in advance what you need to buy, and resist the temptation to deviate from your list. This strategy helps you stay focused and avoid overspending.

11. Handmade Holiday Cards

Skip the expensive store-bought cards and create your own. You can make personalized cards with some cardstock, markers, and some creativity. This saves money and adds a personal touch that your loved ones will appreciate.

12. Use Natural Decor

Embrace nature’s bounty for decor. Pine branches, holly, and mistletoe can often be sourced for free, adding a rustic charm to your home. A walk in the woods can turn into a holiday decoration scavenger hunt.

13. Bake Your Own Treats

Instead of buying holiday treats, bake your own. Baking in bulk can be cost-effective, and homemade treats like cookies or bread make lovely gifts for neighbors and friends.

14. Homemade Advent Calendars

Instead of buying expensive advent calendars, create your own. Fill it with small treats, heartfelt notes, or fun activities. This can become a cherished, personalized tradition your family looks forward to each year.

15. Give the Gift of Experiences

Instead of physical gifts, consider giving experiences. This could be as simple as a homemade coupon book for services like babysitting, a home-cooked meal, or a day out together. Experiences create memories that can be far more valuable than material items.

16. Shop Locally

Supporting local businesses can often lead to finding unique gifts at great prices. Small companies may offer holiday specials, and you’ll save on shipping costs.

17. Volunteer

Giving your time can be more rewarding and budget-friendly than monetary gifts. Volunteer at a local charity or soup kitchen. It’s a great way to give back and enjoy the season’s spirit.

18. Secondhand Shopping

Thrift stores and online marketplaces can be treasure troves for holiday finds. You can find gently used decorations, gifts, and even holiday outfits at a fraction of the retail price.

19. Shop After-Holiday Sales

Plan for the next year by shopping in after-holiday sales. This is the perfect time to snag decorations, wrapping paper, and even gifts at a fraction of the cost. Being proactive can lead to significant savings.

20. Travel Smart

If traveling during the holidays, book in advance and look for deals. Consider traveling on less popular days or times to get better rates. Remember to explore budget-friendly accommodation options like vacation rentals or family-friendly hostels.

21. Budget and Track Spending

Keep a close eye on your holiday expenses by setting a budget and tracking your spending. This will help you stay mindful of your finances and avoid the post-holiday financial blues.

22. Start a Holiday Savings Fund

Prepare for next year by starting a holiday savings fund. Set aside a small amount each month, and by the time the next holiday season rolls around, you’ll have a nest egg to help cover your expenses.

Embracing these tips can help make your holiday season both merry and affordable. Remember, the best holiday memories often come from the heart, not the store. Happy holidays!

Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. 11/28/2023 / 3:02 am

    These are all really great tips. I use cash-back sites a lot, buy second hand video games for the kids (they can never tell), and often do homemade cards and gifts as well 🙂

  2. 11/27/2023 / 4:06 pm

    I was actually contemplating on this dilemma, so reading your post helps me to be be stronger in resisting Holiday shopping pressure haha.

  3. 11/26/2023 / 6:07 pm

    I totally agree with shopping after holiday sales. I got great deals from those sales before.

  4. Vidya
    11/26/2023 / 12:41 am

    Such great ideas! I try to consciously shop and work on reusing what I have during the holidays whenever possible.

  5. rosey
    11/25/2023 / 6:41 pm

    Wait, I’m laughing. I got carried away. Travel experiences are not quite what you meant (and yet, I’m still a size aisle seat of anyone is interested). 😉 The experiences are the best when kids are involved. They like to make coupon books for gifts and then they get to participate fully in the gift giving experience. I used to make word searches and crosswords for my family when I was a kid. 🙂

  6. Rosey
    11/25/2023 / 6:39 pm

    I like the gift of experience. I like the social media posts that say something like “If you’re wondering, I’m a size aisle seat, lol”

  7. 11/25/2023 / 1:37 pm

    From DIY decorations to the brilliant Secret Santa idea, you’ve given us a treasure trove of creative and budget-friendly ways to make this holiday season special without breaking the bank.

  8. LisaLisa
    11/25/2023 / 5:10 am

    This is a great post! This year we decided to cut back and do small gifts for everyone! We’re going to save money to do a big family trip instead.

  9. Stephanie
    11/25/2023 / 3:13 am

    This is a list of ideas on saving some money this holiday season. With a little planning by following these tips the holiday won’t break my bank account – and I plan to set up a Christmas fund for next year!

  10. 11/25/2023 / 2:54 am

    I love homemade gifts. It’s so much more personal and meaningful to receive something someone has taken the time to make.

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