Thanks to Gray Away Temporary Root Concealer Spray, I found an easy and affordable way to touch up my gray hairs without spending a fortune at the salon every time! This post was sponsored by Gray Away as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
As a busy mom, wife, and business owner, I am always on the lookout for tips, tricks, and easy-to-use beauty products to help me keep up with my beauty routine. It doesn’t matter how busy I am, it is important to me to take care of myself the best I can, especially as I get older.
Gray hairs are real to me and when I start to see them sneaking up I know that is when it is time to head to the salon for a professional coloring. I have to say that it has gotten so expensive to keep up with my grays, that I had to find a more affordable way to cover them. That’s when I found Gray Away Temporary Root Concealer Spray to touch up and cover my gray roots.
Gray Away Temporary Root Concealer Spray is a salon-quality root concealer product and a budget friendly way to touch up my grays at home. And because it is so fast and easy to use, I can touch up right before I walk out the door. I don’t always have time (and money!) to sit for a few hours at the salon, so Gray Away fits perfectly into my everyday, busy schedule. There’s also the Gray Away Root Touch-Up Quick Stick to use on my hairline so the small strand of gray hairs are completely covered too. With its angled tip on one end and a sponge tip on the other, I can blend it so easily. If you need a quick touch-up for your eyebrows, this product is also ideal for that.
Gray Away by EVERPRO is a revolutionary breakthrough to temporarily touch-up gray roots. It works in just mere seconds to spray away gray hairs and the best part is that I can pick it up at my nearest ULTA Beauty store. No more expensive salon visits for me for a touch-up and I’ve been able to add weeks in between hair color appointments! So I’d say, ‘Gray hair, don’t care!” with Gray Away!
My overall experience with using the Gray Away products has proven to be an incredible time and money saver. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an easy and affordable way to touch up without spending a fortune at the salon every time!
There is no mistaking that this busy mom has found a new friend. Go ahead and check out Gray Away at ULTA Beauty (also available on their website) and it is unbelievably priced under $10!
I never tried dyeing my hair, coz I want to style it fuzz free. But I don’t mind using a temporary spray color. It’s fun!
I am definitely going to get this. It would be really handy to have on hand when you need it and you don’t have time to go to the salon for a hair dye retouch!
wow. i must recommend this to my older friends and to my mom! this boosts confidence. 🙂 thanks for sharing!
cha @ littlemisadvencha.com
This sounds like a great solution for a lot of people. I remember finding my first real gray hair. I was in the church bathroom. I plucked that sucker out lol. I’m Cuban so most of us go salt and pepper. I usually dye my hair blonde and then back to brown and just go different colors. I can never make up my mind.
Wow great! Gray hair is invisible! Really a nice product.
Wow.. Such a great and convenient product..! I will share this with my parents. They will love it!
I do not want to have any grays yet! Luckily I haven’t had too many to get rid of!
This is such a great product. I will have to share this with my mom!
It really seems to do the trick! I don’t have gray yet, but it isn’t too far off and I definitely will need something in between coloring.
Now this is really convenient! Does it have a smell? I am going to recommend it to my mom!
Hhhhmmmmmm….so, this concealer can work more like hair dye? I love the idea.
I need to get some of this! I hate when gray hairs sneak up on you!
Love this idea… I wash my hair every 3 – 4 days will it last this long or do I need to reapply each day? The results on you are great.
I love the result on you! I really can’t wait to try this one.
thanks for sharing this! I’ve been using eyebrow wax to cover my odd one or two i have had since the second i turned 30 lol but this product looks really good, i need to try it. thanks
No grays for me yet but I know it’s coming! I love how easy this product is to use at home!
That definitely makes a difference! What a great way to hide the gray when you don’t have time to color.
This is such a quick solution for covering grey hairs. I’ll have to try it!
Maybe it’s just me, but your hair didn’t look gray in the before pic. Looks fab!
This product is awesome! You can’t even see a hint of grey in the after picture. I could have used this when I was covering my grey.
You can certainly see the difference in the photos. I think it’s great to have products out there like these for the hair. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’ll be needing to try this too.
Very cool! Luckily I don’t have any grays yet, but yet is the keyword! This concealer sounds just as good as the concealer I use for my undereyes!
I am starting to get pesky greys that pop up out of nowhere! I think I need this because I do not want to dye my hair!