Home » 27 Things From Around Your House That You Can Sell for Fast Cash Today

27 Things From Around Your House That You Can Sell for Fast Cash Today

27 Things From Around Your House That You Can Sell for Fast Cash Today

We all work diligently to provide for our family. We work jobs that we may or may not like in order to pay the monthly bills and most people understand the need for a budget. However, there are times where all of our efforts seem fruitless when emergencies come up and we just need a little more cash to get us through a situation. Well, believe it or not, we all have cash lying around within the things we don’t necessarily need.

Here are things from around your house to sell for fast cash today!Here are 27 things that you have within your home that can be sold for fast cash.


Cell Phones – The use of cell phones has grown astronomically in the past few decades and as a result most of us upgrade our phones to stay up with the new technology, yet the old cell phones we have are still valuable. Even if a phone is beyond repair, it can still be worth something and it’s better to earn a little from unused phones rather than earning nothing Best Buy has a great trade-in program for used cell phones and other unwanted electronics where you can get gift cards to use towards a new gadget within their store. There are also websites, cell phone repair stores, as well as some kiosks throughout the country that will give you money for your old cell phones.


Clothes and Accessories – Brand name clothes and accessories can be expensive, but many consignment stores will buy them from you provided they are in decent condition. Try selling on sites like Poshmark, ThredUp, Tradesy and Ebay.

Gold Jewelry – The demand for jewelry has never been higher. Gold prices are always on the rise and if you have a piece that is not damaged many jewelers will purchase the piece as a vintage item depending on the age and condition.

Diamond Jewelry – Another material that can fetch a pretty penny if you sell it to the right people is diamond. It can be a great way to get quick money as there are always people willing to buy it.


Furniture – Selling old furniture is certainly not a new concept, but what is new is the fact that people are now buying broken and seemingly useless pieces of furniture and repurposing them into new products or pieces of art.


Sell Your Books at SellBackBooks.com!
Books – If you happen to have old books lying around, it may be a good idea to assess the value of the title. Old books and college textbook can sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Try sites like ECampus.com, SellBackBooks.com and Amazon Trade-In program.


Computers – Even though computers are becoming more and more outdated, there are people that fix old computers and will buy them for either parts or to fix up and resale.


Crafts – Even if you are not a crafty person, a quick look on any craft site can get your creative juices flowing. People love handmade crafts and are willing to pay for them. Look up the popular handmade craft site, Etsy, to get ideas of what people are selling. Or, if you are looking into making real money with crafts and DIY, check out these free craft classes online to start improving your skill, or learn a new one!

School Supplies – That old book bag that you paid a lot of money for is not just good for one year. More and more consignment stores are selling brand name backpacks and many other school supplies.

Holiday Decorations – The holidays are a fun time of year and if you have upgraded your decorations recently, there may be someone out there looking for your old ones.

Bedding Sets – It is likely that you have at least a few bedding sets hiding in your closet that can bring you a quick money at your own garage sale.

Dolls – Even though some people think dolls are a bit creepy, there are many people trolling the internet for a doll they have been looking for. It could be sitting in your attic.

Lamps – You may believe that the old lamp your aunt gave you is ugly, but always remember that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.


Domain Names – People purchase domain names for a number of reasons and if you happen to have one that you are not using, selling it will give you quick cash.

Skills and Services – Mowing lawns, weeding yards, and even using your vehicle for a taxi is always an option for money. You can drive for Uber and Lyft and earn up to $35 per hour on your spare time this week!


Dishes – Throughout the years you have probably acquired quite a few dishes that you no longer need. People will buy both full sets for use with their family as well as singular dishes for crafts. Take how I turned coordinating plates, bowls and coffee cups I got from the thrift store into a cute DIY upcycled tiered cake stand!

Old Tools – Just like antique books, antique tools are valuable to many people as either artisan tools or just for decoration around their shop.

Antiques – Antiques of all types are valuable to someone.


Artwork – People love artwork of any kind and will pay top dollar to have something within their home that is truly unique no matter if the artist is well known or not. Need to improve on your existing talent? Skillshare and Craftsy are two top sites online that offer many affordable art and design classes that you can do on your spare time.

Games Systems and Games – Game stores are not just there to sell you the games that you want. They also buy old game systems and games to resell.

Movies – Many of the game stores will also buy your old movies.


Scrap Metal – One of the easiest ways to make money is to pick up scrap metal and sell it to scrap yards. It is not always a lot of money, but every little bit helps.

Old Cars – I’m sure you’ve heard about it before. There are companies that will pay for your old or junk car. Yes, there are cash for junk cars in your area! Just do your own research.

Purses – Social media sites have given way to the ability to sell anything on line and one of the hottest items is purses.

Appliances – In both working condition and non-working condition, appliances are bought and sold every day to repair men throughout the country.


Sports Equipment – You may not be able to use your old sports equipment like you used to, but that does not mean that there is not someone out there that would like to have it.

Musical Instruments – Music shops are always looking for musical instruments that they can resell. Learn how to price your musical instrument before you sell it, this way you know you’re getting the highest amount of money possible.

Silver – Silver is just as valuable as gold in some instances, so do not throw it away simply because it is not gold.

Your home is full of things that you really do not need or use and therefore there is no shame in making a little profit from it. If you have not used an object in the past 90 days, you probably really do not need it, so sell it to get you the cash you need.

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Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. Lily
    03/29/2021 / 4:12 am

    I have a box full of movies! I should consider selling the DVDs some never been open so mint condition

  2. 03/27/2021 / 1:16 pm

    Definitely a great post. For sure many would benefit from this as we all need another means of income and fast cash.

  3. 03/26/2021 / 7:27 pm

    those are all great ideas – I just wish I would know more about selling domain names because I have one that is quite dormant right now. I need to do some research. Blessings!

  4. Mae
    03/26/2021 / 11:09 am

    What a great idea to get rid of stuff that no longer serves you, and makes cash from it. I just need to convince myself that it is time to let go!

  5. 03/26/2021 / 2:12 am

    ya, I think I need to sort my closet an sell some clothes. Would be a great way to clean out my closet!

  6. 03/25/2021 / 4:29 pm

    Wow such an amazing post! I myself am holding a few items I need to sell, better get on to it.

  7. 03/25/2021 / 2:18 pm

    Great tips for very uncertain times. Its always nice to declutter and make money in the process.

  8. 03/25/2021 / 2:13 pm

    Great ideas! I’m always looking for easy ways to make a little bonus cash.

  9. Shilpa Bindlish
    03/25/2021 / 1:16 pm

    I would say I wanted to sell a few items I have, but was hesitating. Now I feel I should go ahead.

  10. Gunel Ibadova
    03/25/2021 / 10:30 am

    I have so many accessories which I’ve not used for a long time, especially bijouterie. You made me think all of them. Most of them are new and beautfiul. Unfortunately, most people like me save the things for any case and then we forget about them. Thanks for reminding me 🙂

  11. 03/25/2021 / 2:01 am

    Love the list of ideas here. So many of us just move on from stuff we don’t use anymore and this just clutters and takes space in the house for no good reason. Might as well offer these pieces a new lease of life elsewhere as a win/win for you and the new owner!

  12. 03/25/2021 / 12:06 am

    This is such an awesome resource! I love the idea of being able to sell things that I don’t use or want for a little extra money.

  13. lashunta
    03/24/2021 / 11:29 pm

    I always forget about selling old computers and tablets! People can definetly fix them up. Thank you for the tips!

  14. 10/29/2020 / 7:46 pm

    Some really great ideas in here. Been getting into decluttering recently and didn’t realize how much was lying around my house that’s worth money!

  15. 05/16/2019 / 9:27 am

    I always believe that if you are not using something then you should throw that but your one line changed my thought that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. The things you have listed can definitely make fast cash. Thanks for posting wonderful Article!

  16. 03/10/2019 / 4:58 am

    I am always cleaning out my closet and selling my clothing online. It makes me feel good and put some money in my pocket!

  17. 03/10/2019 / 4:53 am

    Oh, glad I came over this post. I am thinking of decluttering and somehow sell it. Now I had an idea. Thanks for this.

  18. 03/10/2019 / 3:37 am

    This comes at a great time since my mom is moving out of her home and moving in with her kids. She won’t need a lot of her stuff when she moves in with us, so we are trying to decide what to sell and what to donate.

  19. Mary Edwards
    03/10/2019 / 1:36 am

    Great ideas for extra cash when needed. I have some old electronics I need to sell soon. Thanks for the inspiration

  20. Ruth I
    03/09/2019 / 11:55 pm

    My niece’s old toys needs to be sold soon! haha. This is a great list of ideas, I should start looking for things I could sell!

  21. 03/09/2019 / 8:18 pm

    Thank you for the reminder, we do need to sell my son’s trumpet. We talked about selling it before, but never got around to doing it.

  22. NYC Single Mom
    03/09/2019 / 5:27 pm

    i do have a couple of old computers which I have to look into selling. I need to wipe them clean first.

  23. 03/09/2019 / 2:25 pm

    These are great ideas! I have old books and old clothes that I could sell!!

  24. Catalina
    03/09/2019 / 10:48 am

    I think I can sell a lot of things that I have in my house and I don’t use it any more. Thanks for these wonderful ideas!

  25. 03/09/2019 / 3:41 am

    You are right about the furniture. What I used to throw away, I put on Craigslist or a Facebook page and it sells! Most pieces bring in $20 at least.

  26. 03/09/2019 / 2:25 am

    I have an old computer that I need to clear out first before I sell there are pics on there that I need to get off but this is a great idea do a little spring cleaning and make some money too.

  27. 03/09/2019 / 2:07 am

    We like to sell things we no longer need from around our home. It makes more space for us to live, and we make a bit of fun money to spend or save.

  28. Pam
    03/09/2019 / 2:01 am

    I have been selling a bunch of stuff on Marketplace after decluttering. It’s a good way to make some cash for stuff I don’t use.

  29. 03/09/2019 / 1:33 am

    This reminds me.. we need to have a yard sale pretty soon. So much to get rid of.

  30. candy
    03/08/2019 / 8:26 pm

    This is a great idea for if you are trying to down size or just needing some extra cash. It is a win, win if you can make money and down size.

  31. 03/08/2019 / 6:45 pm

    I need to go through the stuff in the garage for sure. I know I could make some money with things in there. I’m just lazy about actually making it to the garage.

  32. Rosey
    11/08/2016 / 2:26 am

    Extra money is always a good thing. That is especially true this time of year.

  33. Elizabeth O.
    11/07/2016 / 5:30 pm

    You nailed this list with everything that you can sell and you can sell these online without hassle too. I think it’s going to help people especially when they need some extra cash.

  34. 11/07/2016 / 1:00 pm

    Great tips, everyone can use some fast cash sometimes. I’ve never sold anything I own before but I’d consider selling the stuff that I store away and never use.

  35. 11/06/2016 / 10:47 pm

    It is really a great idea to get rid of a cluttered house. Selling old items such as books, furniture, and old mobile phones is a great way to do this, plus you get cash also.

  36. 11/06/2016 / 12:31 pm

    Such a great list. I have been decluttering lately and have sold many of these items listed locally. I love to use local buy, sell, trade groups on FB!

  37. 11/05/2016 / 2:42 pm

    I’m going to pass this on to my sister, she can’t find a job and is running out of funds. We have all been helping for almost a year. She is going to have to cut some corners.

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