Home ยป 8 Ways I Have Improved My Eating Habits

8 Ways I Have Improved My Eating Habits

8 Ways I Have Improved My Eating Habits

We all know that the foods we eat can affect our health and may either increase or decrease our risk for certain diseases. I’ve been on a quest to eat healthier this year and have made significant changes to some of my daily habits. I know that I don’t need to make huge changes to eat healthier, or change my habits all at the same time. Setting small goals and changing my eating habits a little bit at a time helped me achieve my overall goals.

#AD Here are 8 ways I’ve improved my eating habits + read my review of the new #calocurb weight management supplement!

So today, I want to share with you 8 ways that I’ve improved my eating habits:

1. I try to eat a family meal every day at the kitchen or dining table. This helps me focus on consistently eating healthy meals.

2. I follow a regular daily schedule for my meals and snacks. I found that skipping or delaying my meals makes me eat too much because I’m too hungry and I end up choosing unhealthy meals or snacks.

3. I re-evaluated what I keep in my fridge and have added more fruits, low-fat dairy products (like low-fat milk and low-fat yogurt), vegetables, and whole-grain foods to my diet. Instead of just focusing only on taking unhealthy foods away, adding more healthy foods to my diet helps me stay motivated towards my healthy-eating goals.

The foods we eat can affect our health and may either increase or decrease our risk for certain diseases. Here are 8 ways I have improved my eating habits.

4. I incorporate vegetables and greens to my main meals. I also make sure that I don’t add extra unnecessary calories like creamy salad dressings or cheeses on my salads. Another way that I do this is to try incorporating vegetables in the dishes I make at home. For example, I’ll make pasta with broccoli or other greens to it to make it healthier.

5. I go grocery shopping with a list. If I don’t have a list, it often results in grocery cart full foods and snacks that are unhealthy or that I regret buying later. Plus, it’s not helping the pocketbook.

6. I have replaced high-sugar drinks (including high-sugar juice drinks) with water and drink at least 8 full glasses of water everyday.

7. I have integrated daily supplements into my diet as a unique way to enhance overall well-being.  I’ve consulted with a healthcare professional for guidance on incorporating them in moderation to align with my dietary goals.

8. And last but not the least, I keep healthy snacks on hand. When in a hurry or on the go, it’s so easy to grab those packaged, processed foods which are loaded with preservatives and empty nutrients. For healthy snack options at home or on the go, I make sure I have homemade trail mix (minus the candy), healthy nutrition bars, fiber crackers, nuts and natural peanut butter to spread on apples or bananas, or cut-up veggies like carrots and celery.

Over time, small changes can make a big difference in our health. The choices we make about the food we eat and our lifestyles determine our ability to remain healthy and active now, and enjoy life to its fullest in the future.

Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. 08/07/2018 / 2:25 am

    I am trying to be healthy and fit this time and I guess this is a great start up. I will try this out and check. Let’s join and hope to win too!

  2. 08/06/2018 / 10:32 pm

    These are some great tips for improving eating habits. My number one tips for improving my eating habits is to make stuff I actually like instead of cooking what I think my family needs.

  3. Ash Ali
    08/05/2018 / 7:31 am

    Thanks for sharing your eating schedule because it makes me think on this side too as I usually remain busy in other aspects of life without taking care of my diet.

  4. Peter
    08/05/2018 / 1:46 am

    Iโ€™m all about the healthy snacks and sit down dinners at the table. This looks like a great booster product to aide on our healthy eating endeavour

  5. 08/04/2018 / 4:43 pm

    This is an interesting product. I hope to learn more. Entered to win! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great weekend!

  6. 08/04/2018 / 2:34 pm

    It’s so important to make smart food choices. You have made great strides toward healthier eating. It’s not easy but it’s worthwhile.

  7. 08/04/2018 / 2:42 am

    Those are great ideas! Sometimes it’s the little changes that make the biggest difference.

  8. 08/04/2018 / 1:19 am

    It seems like calocurb is a great supplement for those wanting a little extra push in their lifestyle change. I love all your awesome tips. My struggle is the water, I try to drink enough but never seem too.

  9. 08/04/2018 / 12:59 am

    I didn’t know what tops flower is so I looked it up. I don’t think I have seen it before. The calocurb sounds good.

  10. 08/03/2018 / 11:59 pm

    These are some great ways to eat healthier. I’ll have to check out that product as I haven’t heard of it before.

  11. 08/03/2018 / 10:46 pm

    I have not heard about this product before. It is interesting that it may help those who want to lose weight.

  12. 08/03/2018 / 8:30 pm

    You are showing that you are what you eat and your tips are great for any family. I never heard of Calocarb but will look for it and try it.

  13. 08/03/2018 / 8:06 pm

    I am working on my eating habits but I admit, I do love my junk food. I just try to have it in moderation and try to get healthy foods in as well.

  14. 08/03/2018 / 5:30 pm

    These are great things to do to be healthy. I’ve found if I’m doing physical work I don’t get hungry but sitting at the computer makes me want to do nothing but eat. Since I work from home I make sure I alternate between computer work and physical work and that helps me.

  15. 08/03/2018 / 2:41 pm

    I like the tips you share and for the product you shared I hadn’t heard of it but I plan on checking into it this week because I need to lose weight and the sooner I can the better off I will be. Because the weight is affecting my health.

  16. 08/03/2018 / 1:29 pm

    I am also trying very hard to eat healthier. I do a lot of the same things that you mentioned here. There are definitely a couple in here that I can do better with. A lot of times I don’t make a list before I go to the store. I need to get into the habit of doing that every week.

  17. 08/03/2018 / 1:13 pm

    I always grocery shop with a list as well. These days, I usually grocery shop online so I don’t even have to go inside the grocery store and be tempted by foods I don’t need. I also try to eat whole, better for me foods.

  18. 08/02/2018 / 6:53 am

    I had honestly never heard of this supplement before. I definitely need to reduce cravings though. So I will be checking into these for sure.

  19. Kiwi
    08/01/2018 / 9:29 pm

    I am definitely doing better with my eating habits. Adding more greens to my diet is essential!

  20. Kate
    08/01/2018 / 6:24 pm

    lovely tricks and tips, my other one just try to eat with someone else and not alone every day. That gives you eating routine nevertheless I’m against supplements just eat healthy.

  21. 08/01/2018 / 2:49 pm

    Thanks for sharing what works for you. I need to make some of these changes too!

  22. Khushboo
    08/01/2018 / 1:31 pm

    That’s a helpful and informative post. I need to reduce some weight this post is really helpful for me.

  23. Peter
    08/01/2018 / 10:01 am

    Putting the proper fuel into our bodies is paramount. Nice to see you taking small and wonderful steps Incorporating these great healthy changes

  24. 08/01/2018 / 8:34 am

    I love this post! I have been trying to lose weight and be healthier too! I do try to schedule my meals but i find I can never stick to them – I always fancy something different which doesnโ€™t help me lose weight! Iโ€™ve cut out all dairy too and itโ€™s been the best decision of my life – I feel healthier and fitter because of it ๐Ÿ™‚ great post!

  25. 08/01/2018 / 6:42 am

    I totally agree with you of the fact that the foods we eat can affect our health and may either increase or decrease our risk for certain diseases.

  26. 08/01/2018 / 6:12 am

    I do agree with most pointers but liked the grocery list tip the most. Sometimes we do binge shopping and that messes with our diets as all the food is just sitting there in the house:)

  27. 08/01/2018 / 6:04 am

    I’m looking for a way to cut my calories and this sounds like it would be a great product to try out! Thanks for sharing. I’m gonna check it out.

  28. 08/01/2018 / 2:10 am

    It feels amazing when you start to see how better your body has become after eating healthy! I think these eating habits are important to help you maintain that healthy lifestyle! Great tips for those starting out!

  29. 08/01/2018 / 1:51 am

    These are great tips to implement into a daily routine to help improve your eating goals. I think Calocurb sounds like a great supplement that could really help give people that extra needed push to lose extra pounds.

  30. 08/01/2018 / 12:20 am

    What a great list of tips! I know if I don’t follow a schedule on eating that I will do the same thing!

  31. 07/31/2018 / 10:30 pm

    Being a parent it is so important to have healthy eating habits because our children pick up those habits and keep most of them for life. We have to be strong role models and ask ourselves if we want our children to have these habits as adults. You have some good tips!

  32. 07/31/2018 / 8:59 pm

    Having a diet routine is very important. It helps me eat healthy too. Healthy snacks help too.

  33. Rosey
    07/31/2018 / 8:13 pm

    We bought a picnic bench type of table for the kitchen that I thought would be cool. We don’t really like to sit there though, so we never eat at the kitchen table anymore. It’s a bad habit to get into. and you’re right, I did notice our eating habits are not as healthy as they were when we sat at the table as a family to eat.

  34. 07/31/2018 / 8:01 pm

    Several great ideas in your post. Calocurb is a great recommendation!

  35. 07/31/2018 / 6:53 pm

    This sounds like an awesome product. Of course, we should always start our journey to better health by changing our diet and exercising, but a little extra help never hurts!

  36. Jeanna
    07/31/2018 / 6:46 pm

    I have started taking a work out class Saturday mornings. I am also trying to eat healthier and stay away from as much junk food as I can!

  37. robin rue
    07/31/2018 / 6:37 pm

    I would be interested in trying that supplement. I have struggled with my weight for my entire life.

  38. 07/31/2018 / 4:58 pm

    As an Italian girl who lives in South Italy I’m quite lucky t have a great fruit and veggie variety that hardly makes me remember I’ve diet restrictions (I’m vegetarian). But I have to admit that I often tend to have low magnesium and minerals and this can be detrimental for health so well, some best habits would be useful for me too

  39. 07/31/2018 / 4:06 pm

    I’m terrible at eating healthy so this is such a perfect post! I love the idea of grocery shopping with a list, it seems so simple yet effective – I’m definitely someone who sees something they like and then impulse purchases. I’ll try that tip on my next grocery run.

  40. 07/31/2018 / 10:47 am

    Very helpful post indeed as I mostly consume junk food. I too need to improve my eating habits.

  41. 07/31/2018 / 9:13 am


  42. 07/30/2018 / 9:12 pm

    This is a great post with some good ideas. I take a weight management supplement twice a day too.

  43. 07/30/2018 / 5:51 pm

    Calocurb is only available in USA so this time I go there I can buy it and try it. But I have Anorexia. Will it work with me?

    • 07/30/2018 / 5:57 pm

      Hi Monidipa, I’m probably not the right person to ask whether this is good for you with your specific health condition. I would check with your doctor first. Thank you for asking! ๐Ÿ™‚

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