Home » 20 Innovative Ways to Store Your Christmas Decorations

20 Innovative Ways to Store Your Christmas Decorations

20 Innovative Ways to Store Your Christmas Decorations


Happy to share with you these 20 innovative ways to store your holiday decorations and ornaments!

The time has come:  that dreaded moment when happiness goes back into storage. Okay, I may be over dramatizing things, not because I just really love the Christmas holidays, but also because figuring out how and where to store Christmas decor can be a major ordeal! Massive plastic totes are one thing, but did you know there are more ways to get it done? Yes!

20 Innovative Ways To Store Your Christmas Decorations

1. Mad in Crafts has probably the least expensive option with her ideas to store using a trip to the dollar store! Yes, the dollar store has plenty of options for making storage easy AND inexpensive.

2.  So when I came across EP Bot’s post on shrink wrapping an artificial Christmas tree, I was like “but why” – until I saw the photos! Then, I was like, sheesh why haven’t we been doing this? Clean up is easier and it takes up so much less space!

3. When it comes to putting the holidays back in the basement, attic or crawl space, I will tell you: Get rid of the items you don’t want or need. Ask Anna Moseley says the same thing in her un-decorating and de-cluttering post that makes total sense!

4. When it comes to the most likely item to use a curse word, I’d probably say it is detangling lights. Well, A Real Life Housewife has a great tip for storing holiday lights and it won’t cost you a dime (at least if you haven’t taken all your recycling out yet!)

5. Organize Your Stuff now is such a great site! But, their ideas for storing special ornaments (say ones that specific kids have to put up) as well as their wreath organization is definitely useful. They also have ideas for those who rotate themes or colors in their trees!

6. Have you ever opened your ornament box only to find one of your cherished items broken? Organized Island has a solution for that, plus more!

7. Whether you have left overs or buy wrapping paper post-holiday to save on money, you’ll end up needing to store the paper without it wrinkling or becoming ripped or otherwise damaged. Make and Do Crew has a great idea for DIY Vertical Paper Storage.

8. Nikki on Tikkdio has another great idea for light storage that doesn’t require any special materials and it makes it tangle free!

9. Do you have a decorating tool box? Stone Age Blog recommends one in this post and I can say it makes total sense! It won’t cost a whole lot in money, but it will save you aggravation every year!


10. Home Made by Carmona has a great way to really showcase your really cool wrapping paper. We all know that there are some chic ones out there – well for those who don’t have hidden storage, this is a great idea!11. Living Well Mom comes up with some great ideas and one of her latest is for Christmas Ornament Storage.  It is inexpensive and will save you some broken ornaments for sure! I’d highly recommend this for sure!

12. Another great post by I Heart Organizing has to be how she uses what we all do (large totes) but makes it so much better by organizing and labeling it in an easy and inexpensive way.

13. Do you ever wonder how you should be caring for your ornaments, especially the sentimental ones? Hellow Glow has some great ideas!

14. Totally The Bomb – this blog has plenty of great ideas, including this list of ways to make organizing and storing ornaments both fun and easy to do.

15. Are you the DIY type? This may be right up your alley for making holiday storage work for you in your own creative, yet simplifying, way.

16. Do you already have some storage that works well for you but you need to figure out some new items? This post will definitely help you get ideas to make your holiday storage run smoothly.

17. I love to see how everyone does something almost all of us do. That is part of why I love this behind the scenes look at Christmas decor storage!

18. Talk about brave! This Organised Housewife has ideas for everything from tinsel (if you buy the good stuff and save it) to Holiday CDs!

19. Camille Styles has a great DIY idea for storing wrapping paper on racks! It may seem like a bit much for the most organized crowd, it is a must do!

20. Finally, Making Lemonade helps discover ways to fight the urge to dump it all, and instead, find peace with your mix of decor and even make some decor storage boxes for practically no money at all! Score!


So, when it comes to ornament and other holiday decor storage, I’ve given you quite a few ideas. But that’s because we all have preferences, a price point, and because storing is one thing, but we don’t all have the same amount of space. I hope that this roundup has helped you discover the best option for you!

Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. 01/05/2017 / 6:19 am

    My husband got really sick right after Christmas so I had to put away the holiday decorations solo this year. Hopefully they’re tucked away safely. Need to pin this for next year.

  2. 01/05/2017 / 5:49 am

    These are great ideas, I especially like storing ornaments in egg cartons this will help avoid breaking them.

  3. 01/04/2017 / 11:52 pm

    Isn’t this awesome! I think it’s important to properly store the decorations to avoid breaking them. These are great ideas, I like the one for the lights, it’s really going to come in handy for me.

  4. 01/04/2017 / 11:18 pm

    I know Christmas is always hectic and disorganized in my family’s house. (3 small, energetic children come to visit every year.) I will share these awesome suggestions with my family! Thanks for the tips.

  5. 01/04/2017 / 7:48 pm

    Thanks for the great tips.
    Christmas decorations do tend to get tangled up, jumbled up, and at times difficult to gather up!

  6. 01/04/2017 / 7:07 pm

    Great ideas for storing all those bits and bobs from the holidays. Keeping them organized can make it so much easier to decorate next year.

  7. 01/04/2017 / 5:24 pm

    Storing the lights is the biggest pain! We usually shove each strand in a plastic bag and hope for the best the next year. These are all really helpful tips. I’ll be saving my egg cartons for next year’s storage now!

  8. Our Family World
    01/04/2017 / 3:41 pm

    While I’m all set for my own storage boxes and stuff, I can’t help but think of having these for my other non-Christmas items. I still have a lot of old books and clutter, time to reorganize them!

  9. reesa
    01/04/2017 / 3:16 pm

    I am HORRIBLE at storing my decorations! I so need this post, thank you!

  10. brianne
    01/04/2017 / 1:36 pm

    Yes I so need these ideas! We have Christmas decorations everywhere!

  11. 01/04/2017 / 10:32 am

    These are really helpful ideas! Love the egg carton for string Christmas balls! Will try all these tips!

  12. 01/04/2017 / 10:06 am

    What a timely post! We just stored all of our holiday decorations over the weekend. We use tote boxes and a few bags. I probably need a better method though!

  13. Faith Elijahleen Stephenson
    01/04/2017 / 4:26 am

    haha this is so nice.. now i can place my ornaments safe and organized! I usually just stock it in a box! lol

  14. Elizabeth O.
    01/04/2017 / 3:03 am

    We went a little overboard this year for the decorations and these tips will really come in handy! It’s important to make sure that the decorations are stored properly to avoid damage and these are perfect!

  15. 01/04/2017 / 2:36 am

    These are such great tips! I am always looking for new ideas on how to store my christmas and holiday items.

  16. 01/04/2017 / 12:44 am

    Putting all of the decorations away is never fun! I like these resources! The ornaments can be such a hassle.

  17. Robin Rue
    01/04/2017 / 12:27 am

    These are all really great ideas! I never would have thought to shrink wrap my Christmas tree. That is so genius!

  18. Rosey
    01/04/2017 / 12:07 am

    The racks for the paper make me happy. I’d do that one.

  19. 01/04/2017 / 12:06 am

    The one thing that I hate most about the holidays is putting the decorations away. It seems that they multiply year after year and I never have enough storage space. These are some great ideas for helping me get those things taken care of. Thanks!

  20. Pam Wattenbarger
    01/03/2017 / 10:09 pm

    These are great ideas! I always struggle with packing up all of our Christmas supplies.

  21. 01/03/2017 / 9:35 pm

    I totally need to use all of these ideas. My Christmas decorations are currently a tangled mass of frustration just waiting to give me a headache next year.

  22. 01/03/2017 / 9:33 pm

    These are great ideas. Every year, I spend almost as much time looking for and untangling things as I do actually decorating.

  23. 01/02/2017 / 8:07 pm

    Thanks for sharing, I’ll be sure to check out the links. There are so many ways I hadn’t even thought of that will make the clean up so much easier next year!

  24. Megan mccoig
    01/02/2017 / 4:08 pm

    I was so sad to take the decorations now. All the joy has now gone and have to wait another year 🙁 some great storage tips. Definitely need a bauble organisation storage next year!

  25. 01/02/2017 / 3:50 am

    Love the idea of using egg cartons for baubles! Genius! I admit our storage nightmare is the lights. Too many of them!

  26. 01/02/2017 / 3:30 am

    These are all really great ideas. I don’t have much seasonal decor so it all fits in one plastic tub. I kept the containers that the ornaments came in so it is super easy to keep things organized.

  27. 01/02/2017 / 12:58 am

    These are great ideas! We are taking our decorations down tomorrow and I’m already dreading it. I plan to organize them so next year is easier!

    • Catherine S
      01/03/2017 / 9:43 pm

      I agree they are great ideas. I will put some of these to use this weekend when we take down our tree.

  28. 01/02/2017 / 12:04 am

    I could really use these tips for next year! My ornaments barely fit in the box we use every January. The egg carton idea is really creative!

  29. 01/01/2017 / 8:25 pm

    Love the egg carton idea! I’ve never done that before. I love this post because my mom use to always throw ornaments into boxes!! Loosly. This is a great way to organize your Christmas ornaments.

  30. 01/01/2017 / 3:26 pm

    These are great ideas! We are taking our decorations down tomorrow – need some new storage ideas!

  31. 01/01/2017 / 10:43 am

    The lights…I hate storing the lights. They almost always are a mess when I take them out. Definitely going to try some of these tips this week when we take everything down!

  32. 01/01/2017 / 4:35 am

    These tips are life changing especially for families who have family heirloom ornaments that they want to keep safe and fresh looking for years to come! Thanks for sharing!

  33. 12/31/2016 / 10:40 pm

    I love these tips! We have so many decorations and things often just get tossed in a box at the end of the season. I’ll have to implement some of these tricks into my packing!

  34. 12/31/2016 / 8:37 pm

    These are such great tips! It can be so tricky to keep all those ornaments organized and these are clever and inexpensive.

  35. Catherine Sargent
    12/31/2016 / 7:55 pm

    These are all great tips. I love the idea of using the egg cartoon. That will be perfect for our glass balls.

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