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5 Tips for Fixing Hot and Cold Spots

5 Tips for Fixing Hot and Cold Spots

Does your house have hot and cold spots that are making you uncomfortable? You are not alone. Hot and cold spots are a common problem in many households and they mainly occur during the months of December and January.

If the hot and cold spot problems are not fixed early, they may result in equipment failure and even greater discomfort in your home. However, with the right guidance, it is easy to eliminate this problem for good.

Here are some working tips on how to fix hot and cold spots in your house.

Check for Vent Blockage

At times a room may get a cold spot when your furniture is absorbing or blocking the heat from your HVAC. Typically, the conditioned air may flow into your couch or fail to circulate when you have something blocking the path. The first step to fix this situation would be to ensure that none of your vents are blocked by your furniture, along with ensuring that the airflow is not compromised in any way within your house.

Look for Drafts

When drafts run down from a faulty window seal, you’ll begin to notice moisture between the glass layers. When this happens, you’ll know that your windows are letting air inside your home and cooling the conditioned air. Take your time to thoroughly check your windows and doors for any broken seals as this can fix your heating issues. If found, call an HVAC expert to help reseal the failed locations.

Invest in House Insulation

Many people ignore the importance of home insulation; until winter strikes. During the cold season, you may have an abundance of problems if your home is not correctly insulated. Professionals can be used to evaluate issues with insulation and can devise a plan to help you and your family remedy the situation.

Use Smart Thermostats and Zoning Systems

Investing in a multiple-zones heating system is one of the best ways to help avoid any hot or cold spots in your house. Zoning systems comprise of several thermostats in your home that control air duct dampers. These allow for different rooms to be set to different temperatures, which can not only save you money, but allow everybody in your family to be at their own levels of comfort.

Maintain and Clean Furnace and Ducts

Although the air ducts and furnace may not cause hot and cold spots, they can also make the situation worse if they are not in good condition. Dirty air ducts can lead to indoor air pollution which can cause health problems for you and your family.

Likewise, a furnace that is properly serviced assists families in ensuring that cold winter nights can still be snuggly and warm inside their homes, while an unserviced furnace can cause incredibly chilly evenings.

Contacting an HVAC expert for advice on how to reduce hot and cold spots in your house can be exactly what is needed. Finding and repairing problems while they are small reduces the risk of large malfunctions and even bigger expenses.

This is a collaborative post. All views and text are mine. 

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Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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