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Tasty Desserts for Each Season

Tasty Desserts for Each Season

If there’s one thing on this planet that people look forward to after dinner, it’s a sweet treat. And hey, if sweets aren’t your thing that’s fine. Take a look to see if there is anything here that would be something you could make for a loved one. Because remember, in the end, what says you care more than a homemade dessert from your kitchen? So go forth and explore these awesome spring treats.

Hopping to it in Spring

Springtime is associated with color and what can be better than incorporating that into your sweet treats? Using a variety of pastel colored glazes on cookies, donuts or eclairs can really bring in the compliments. Or, you can go the bunny route and make a festive carrot cake flavored roll for friends and family to enjoy. Another great springtime dessert item would be a lemon bar. The combination of sweet with a zing of tartness can satisfy large audiences with minimal effort on your part. If you are feeling really adventurous, you can whip up a cobbler with the fruit of your choice or a lemon cheesecake, which is smooth and creamy. For something a little crunchy, try these Easter bunny marshmallow popcorn bars. They are a sweet treat the kids will love eating.

Beating the Summer Heat

Oh summertime, that glorious season when the beach calls your name, a tan is imminent, and a cool, refreshing treat awaits. Traditionally with summer, the idea of ice pops and ice cream come to mind but these treats don’t have to be store bought. Don’t worry about sweltering in your kitchen because baking is off the table. These 40 easy no-bake desserts will have people asking, “How did you make that?!”

One easy route to go is to purchase some reusable pop molds, puree your favorite fruit, combine the puree with your favorite yogurt, fill the molds and freeze them. Or, you can go the layering route to add a cool visual effect to impress your friends and family members before these frozen delights are devoured. If you’re looking to wow people at your next backyard BBQ, try making homemade banana split ice cream. It’s not the traditional approach since all of the toppings will be incorporated into the ice cream mixture, but that makes it even more enjoyable.

Fall and Winter Sweets

Ask anyone what dessert they associate with fall and you’ll get a resounding “Pie!” as a reply. Getting right to the good stuff, here are the best Thanksgiving pies you can serve in your home or bring to a holiday dinner party. Sweet potato, pumpkin, chocolate, and apple pie are all awesome desserts to make yourself. While each of these options has their own challenges, making any of these fall-themed pies will surely garner you some awesome praise once the fork has hit the plate for the last time.

For the family that likes to stay active, what can be better than going outside with the family in warm sweaters and beanies you picked up from https://www.shirtspace.com/columbia and throwing around a football before retreating back inside for some warm cider or hot cocoa and a delicious slice of utterly sweet German chocolate pecan pie? If that is too sugary for your liking, maybe a smooth buttermilk pie is more your style. And if you wanted to eliminate slicing pie all together, making individual apple or strawberry rhubarb hand pies is an alternative to consider.

Get in the kitchen and  be the star of your next gathering with a pie or two or several mini pies for everyone to enjoy.

Hanging around people you love while enjoying great food goes back to the dawn of time. So make it a joyous occasion with a sweet treat people will enjoy sinking their teeth into.

This is a collaborative post. All text and opinions are my own. Image courtesy: Canva. 

Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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