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5 Ways to Win the Siege against Bugs

5 Ways to Win the Siege against Bugs

Your home is your castle until its defenses are breached by pests. All sorts of bugs want to live in your warm, dry house, and your walls probably aren’t enough to keep them out. For most pests, you need a variety of fortifications to ensure they can’t get in. However, when you Find a pest control company near you and work alongside them, you can secure your castle against the siege of creepy crawlies forever.

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Find a Broad-Spectrum Exterminator

Many DIY strategies are effective for a time. However, only a professional has the tools to keep bugs away in the long-term. Many exterminators specialize in certain types of pests, like scorpions or termites, but if you want to eliminate any chance of creepy crawlies getting into your home, it simply isn’t cost-effective to work with one of every specialist.

Instead, you need to find a trustworthy local exterminator that has experience facing all regional bugs. Broad-spectrum professionals know how to eradicate any pest that wants entry into your home not only using chemical sprays but employing industry knowledge to identify and relocate hives and nests. Your exterminator will be able to tell you how often you should repeat their home treatments; in the meantime, you can enact the following four defenses against bugs. When you’re choosing who to hire, make sure you do plenty of research to ensure you choose the right company.

Clean Up Your House and Yard

There is a good reason cleanliness is next to godliness. Bugs love grime, which means the dirtier your home and yard, the more likely you are to have various infestations. On the inside, you should be careful to keep your floors and counters free of debris particularly goodies like unwashed clothing or tableware and you should take out the trash at least regularly. On the outside, you should mow your lawns, keep your bushes and shrubs trimmed, and rake up any organic detritus on the ground, especially that close to your home’s outer walls. The less clutter you have in and around your house, the easier you can find and eliminate pests when they appear.

Seal All Holes and Cracks

There is only one way for bugs to get into your home: through openings to the outdoors. While you may not be able to completely seal your house from the outside after all, you will need to leave at some point you close unauthorized breaches in your home’s security. Bugs primarily squeeze through cracks in walls or around doors and windows, so using caulk to fill any holes and renewing all weather-stripping creates an effective shell that crawlies won’t be able to penetrate.

Plant a Pest-Deterring Garden

It’s true that bright, sweet-smelling flowers can attract a population of pests, but there are plenty of plants that bugs absolutely cannot stand. For a garden that does double duty looks great and keeps pests at bay consider planting any of the following:

  • Asters. These small blooms look particularly beautiful around sunflowers, and they ward off nearly all bugs. Tansies are some of the most iconic flowers in this family.
  • Marigolds. One of the oldest natural pest-repellants, these gorgeous yellow flowers smell terrible to bugs, especially those creepy crawlies that ruin vegetable gardens.
  • Petunias. Coming in a variety of colors, these flowers look natural in any garden and are often considered “nature’s pesticide.”
  • Rosemary. This aromatic herb produces oil that many bugs find objectionable but most humans find delicious.
  • Lavender. The best thing about lavender is its lovely sweet scent lingers long after the plant is cut, which means you can hang it around your home to spread its bug-repelling effects.
  • Mint. The good thing about mint is that its strong smell keeps bugs away. The bad thing is this herb spreads aggressively, so it is best grown in a pot away from other plants.

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Bring in the Birds

Many creepy crawlies are treats for many birds, so attracting feathered friends to your yard will only bolster your war on bugs. Fortunately, it isn’t hard to make your yard a lovely place for birds to live in. Hanging homes in trees make it much easier for birds to move in and establish nests, and placing birdseed can also help. While they are around, your new feathered friends won’t mind hunting down some tasty bugs, which lessens their likelihood of making it into your home.

Jocelyn Brown

A former school teacher, Jocelyn Brown created Hip Mama’s Place in 2007. Her motto for this blog is: get inspired, create and share! Jocelyn loves sharing about food and recipes, crafts, DIY projects and her random travels with her family. She also loves all things social media, but her latest obsession is Instagram.

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  1. vickie couturier
    06/10/2016 / 2:24 pm

    good to know,im glad I don’t have that problems right now,,

  2. Michelle Elizondo
    06/05/2016 / 12:24 pm

    I hate bugs!

  3. Sarah Hayes
    06/04/2016 / 3:04 pm

    thanks for the tips. I didnt know all those plants would help. I only knew about marigolds.

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